Numeric data types are used to represent numbers in XML documents.
<xs:decimal> data type
The <xs:decimal> data type is used to represent numeric values. It supports decimal numbers up to 18 digits.
<xs:decimal> Example
Element declaration in XSD −
<xs:element name = "score" type = "xs:decimal"/>
Element usage in XML −
<xs:integer> data type
The <xs:integer> data type is used to represent integer values.
<xs:integer> Example
Element declaration in XSD −
<xs:element name = "score" type = "xs:integer"/>
Element usage in XML −
Numeric Data Types
Following is the list of commonly used numeric data types.
S.No. | Name & Description |
1. | byteA signed 8 bit integer |
2. | decimalA decimal value |
3. | intA signed 32 bit integer |
4. | integerAn integer value |
5. | longA signed 64 bit integer |
6. | negativeIntegerAn integer having only negative values (..,-2,-1) |
7. | nonNegativeIntegerAn integer having only non-negative values (0,1,2,..) |
8. | nonPositiveIntegerAn integer having only non-positive values (..,-2,-1,0) |
9. | positiveIntegerAn integer having only positive values (1,2,..) |
10. | shortA signed 16 bit integer |
11. | unsignedLongAn unsigned 64 bit integer |
12. | unsignedIntAn unsigned 32 bit integer |
13. | unsignedShortAn unsigned 16 bit integer |
14. | unsignedByteAn unsigned 8 bit integer |
Following types of restrictions can be used with Date data types −
- enumeration
- fractionDigits
- maxExclusive
- maxInclusive
- minExclusive
- minInclusive
- pattern
- totalDigits
- whiteSpace