OrientDB – Truncate Record
Truncate Record command is used to delete the values of a particular record. The following statement is the basic syntax of the Truncate command. TRUNCATE RECORD <rid>* Where <rid>* indicates the Record…
Truncate Record command is used to delete the values of a particular record. The following statement is the basic syntax of the Truncate command. TRUNCATE RECORD <rid>* Where <rid>* indicates the Record…
Update Record command is used to modify the value of a particular record. SET is the basic command to update a particular field value. The following statement is the basic syntax…
Export Record is the command used to export the loaded record into the requested and supported format. If you are executing any wrong syntax, it will give the list of supported…
Many times, we need to put one chart over another to compare or see the trend of the two charts. Splunk supports this feature through the chart overlay feature available…
Reload Record also works similar to Load Record command and is also used to load a particular record from the schema. Load record will load the record with the help of…
Load Record is used to load a particular record from the schema. Load record will load the record with the help of Record ID. It is represented with @rid symbol in the resultset.…
Similar to RDBMS, OrientDB supports different types of SQL queries to retrieve the records from the database. While retrieving the records we have different variations or options of queries along…
OrientDB is a NoSQL database that can store the documents and graph-oriented data. NoSQL database does not contain any table, so how can you insert data as a record. Here…
Similar to RDBMS, OrientDB provides the feature to drop a database. Drop database refers to removing a database completely. The following statement is the basic syntax of the Drop database command. DROP…
Splunk has great visualization features which shows a variety of charts. These charts are created from the results of a search query where appropriate functions are used to give numerical…