HSQLDB – Create Table
The basic mandatory requirements to create a table are table names, field names, and the data types to those fields. Optionally, you can also provide the key constraints to the…
The basic mandatory requirements to create a table are table names, field names, and the data types to those fields. Optionally, you can also provide the key constraints to the…
SED provides two special characters which are treated as commands. This chapter illustrates the usage of these two special characters. = Command The "=" command deals with line numbers. Given…
Date and Time data types are used to represent date and time in the XML documents. <xs:date> data type The <xs:date> data type is used to represent date in YYYY-MM-DD…
This chapter explains the different data types of HSQLDB. HSQLDB server offers six categories of data types. Exact Numeric Data Types Data TypeFromTobigint-9,223,372,036,854,775,8089,223,372,036,854,775,807int-2,147,483,6482,147,483,647smallint-32,76832,767tinyint0255bit01decimal-10^38 +110^38 -1numeric-10^38 +110^38 -1money-922,337,203,685,477.5808+922,337,203,685,477.5807smallmoney-214,748.3648+214,748.3647 Approximate Numeric Data…
This chapter describes several useful SED commands. Delete Command SED provides various commands to manipulate text. Let us first explore about the delete command. Here is how you execute a delete command:…
String data types are used to represent characters in the XML documents. <xs:string> data type The <xs:string> data type can take characters, line feeds, carriage returns, and tab characters. The…
In the previous chapter, we learnt how SED handles an address range. This chapter covers how SED takes care of a pattern range. A pattern range can be a simple…
One of the basic operations we perform on any file is display its contents. For this purpose, we can use the print command which prints the contents of the pattern buffer. So…
The cost is managed for AWS ElastiCache in two ways. One is using the tags and the other way is by using the pricing for the reserved nodes. The two…
<xs:anyAttribute> element is used to extend the XSD functionality. It is used to extend a complexType element defined in one xsd by an attribute which is not defined in the…