Google Guice – @ProvidedBy Annotation
This topic is about Google Guice - @ProvidedBy Annotation. @ProvidedBy annotation tells the guice about the provider of implementation class. No binding is required in Binding Module in such a…
This topic is about Google Guice - @ProvidedBy Annotation. @ProvidedBy annotation tells the guice about the provider of implementation class. No binding is required in Binding Module in such a…
This topic is about Google Guice - @ImplementedBy Annotation. @ImplementedBy annotation tells the guice about the implementation class. No binding is required in Binding Module in such a case. See…
This topic is about Google Guice - Inbuilt Bindings. Guice provides inbuilt binding for java.util.logging.Logger class. Logger's name is automatically set to the name of the class into which the Logger is…
This topic is about Google Guice - Constructor Bindings. Guice provides a way to create bindings with specific constructor of an object using toConstructor() method. @Override protected void configure() {…
This topic is about Google Guice - Provider Interface. As @provides method becomes more complex, these methods can be moved to seperate classes using Provider interface. class SpellCheckerProvider implements Provider<SpellChecker>{…
This topic is about Google Guice - @Provides Annotation. Guice provides a way to create bindings with complex objects using @Provides annotation. @Provides public SpellChecker provideSpellChecker(){ String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:5326/emp";…
This topic is about Google Guice - Constant Bindings. Guice provides a way to create bindings with value objects or constants. Consider the case where we want to configure JDBC…
This topic is about Google Guice - Named Bindings. Guice provides another way also to map bindings without creating a custom annoation. It allows so using @Named annotation. Mapping using…
This topic is about Google Guice - Binding Annotations. As we can bind a type with its implementation. In case we want to map a type with multiple implmentations, we…
This topic is about Google Guice - Linked Bindings. In Linked bindings, Guice maps a type to its implementation. In below example, we've mapped SpellChecker interface with its implementation SpellCheckerImpl.…