Elixir – Keyword lists
This topic is about Elixir - Keyword lists. So far, we have not discussed any associative data structures, i.e., data structures that can associate a certain value (or multiple values)…
This topic is about Elixir - Keyword lists. So far, we have not discussed any associative data structures, i.e., data structures that can associate a certain value (or multiple values)…
Decision making structures requires that the programmer should specify one or more conditions to be evaluated or tested by the program, along with a statement or statements to be executed…
This topic is about Elixir - Lists and Tuples. (Linked) Lists A linked list is a heterogeneous list of elements that are stored at different locations in memory and are…
This topic is about Elixir - Char lists. A char list is nothing more than a list of characters. Consider the following program to understand the same. IO.puts('Hello') IO.puts(is_list('Hello')) The…
In this guide, we will discuss Loops in Erlang. Erlang is a functional programming language and what needs to be remembered about all functional programming languages is that they don’t…
Following are the bitwise operators available in Erlang. Sr.No.Operator & Description1bandThis is the bitwise “and” operator2borThis is the bitwise “or” operator3bxorThis is the bitwise “xor” or Exclusive or operator4notThis is…
Following are the logical operators available in Erlang. OperatorDescriptionExampleorThis is the logical “and” operatortrue or true will give trueandThis is the logical “or” operatorTrue and false will give falsenotThis is…
Following are the relational operators available in Erlang. OperatorDescriptionExample==Tests the equality between two objects2 = 2 will give true/=Tests the difference between two objects3 /= 2 will give true<Checks to…
Following are the Arithmetic operators available in Erlang. OperatorDescriptionExample+Addition of two operands1 + 2 will give 3−Subtracts second operand from the first1 - 2 will give -1*Multiplication of both operands2…
Here we will discuss Operators in Erlang. An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulations. Erlang has the following type of operators…