AWK – Regular Expression Operators
This topic is about AWK - Regular Expression Operators. This example explains the two forms of regular expressions operators. Match It is represented as ~. It looks for a field…
This topic is about AWK - Regular Expression Operators. This example explains the two forms of regular expressions operators. Match It is represented as ~. It looks for a field…
This topic is about AWK - Array Membership Operator. It is represented by in. It is used while accessing array elements. The following example prints array elements using this operator. Example…
This topic is about AWK - String Concatenation Operator. Space is a string concatenation operator that merges two strings. The following example demonstrates this − Example [jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {…
This topic is about AWK - Exponential Operators. There are two formats of exponential operators − Exponential Format 1 It is an exponential operator that raises the value of an…
This topic is about AWK - Unary Operators. AWK supports the following unary operators − Unary Plus It is represented by +. It multiplies a single operand by +1. Example…
This topic is about AWK - Ternary Operator. We can easily implement a condition expression using ternary operator. The following example demonstrates this − Example condition expression ? statement1 :…
In this chapter, we will discuss the OOAD Object-Oriented System. We know that the Object-Oriented Modelling (OOM) technique visualizes things in an application by using models organized around objects. Any…
This topic is about AWK - Logical Operators. AWK supports the following logical operators − Logical AND It is represented by &&. Its syntax is as follows − Syntax expr1 &&…
The OOAD Object Model visualizes the elements in a software application in terms of objects. In this chapter, we will look into the basic concepts and terminologies of object-oriented systems. OOAD…
This topic is about AWK - Relational Operators. AWK supports the following relational operators − Equal to It is represented by ==. It returns true if both operands are equal,…