Framework7 Overlays


There are several types of overlays provided by Framework7 to work with the application smoothly.

Following is a list of some Framework7 overlays:

IndexOverlays typeDescription
1)ModalModal is a small window that display the content from separate sources without leaving the parent window.
2)PopupPopup is a popup box that displays the content when the user clicks on the element.
3)PopoverTo manage the presentation of temporary content, the popover component can be used.
4)Action SheetThe Action Sheet is used to present the user with a set of possibilities for how to handle a given task.
5)Login ScreenOverlay login screen is used for displaying the login screen format which can be used in page or popup or as a standalone overlay.
6)Picker ModalPicker modal is used to pick some custom content which is similar to the calender picker.

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