Nagios is the monitoring tool with multitude of features as given below −
- Nagios Core is open source, hence free to use.
- Powerful monitoring engine which can scale and manage 1000s of hosts and servers.
- Comprehensive web dashboard giving the visibility of complete network components and monitoring data.
- It has multi-tenant capabilities where multiple users have access to Nagios dashboard.
- It has extendable architecture which can easily integrate with third-party applications with multiple APIs.
- Nagios has a very active and big community with over 1 million + users across the globe.
- Fast alerting system, sends alerts to admins immediately after any issue is identified.
- Multiple plugins available to support Nagios, custom coded plugins can also be used with Nagios.
- It has good log and database system storing everything happening on the network with ease.
- Proactive Planning feature helps to know when it’s time to upgrade the infrastructure.
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