MySQL is not null

In this guide we will explain how to use the MySQL IS NOT NULL condition with syntax and examples.


The IS NOT NULL condition is used to test for a NOT NULL value in a SELECTINSERTUPDATE, or DELETE statement.


The syntax for the IS NOT NULL Condition is:

expression IS NOT NULL

Parameters or Arguments

expressionThe value to test if it is a not NULL value.


  • If expression is NOT a NULL value, the condition evaluates to TRUE.
  • If expression is a NULL value, the condition evaluates to FALSE.

Example – With SELECT Statement

Here is an example of how to use the IS NOT NULL condition in a SELECT statement:

FROM contacts
WHERE last_name IS NOT NULL;

This MySQL IS NOT NULL example will return all records from the contacts table where the last_name does not contain a null value.

Example – With INSERT Statement

Here is an example of how to use the IS NOT NULL condition in an INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO contacts
(contact_id, contact_name)
SELECT account_no, supplier_name
FROM suppliers

This MySQL IS NOT NULL example will insert records into the contacts table where the category does not contain a null value.

Example – With UPDATE Statement

Here is an example of how to use the IS NOT NULL condition in an UPDATE statement:

UPDATE contacts
SET status = 'completed'
WHERE last_name IS NOT NULL;

This MySQL IS NOT NULL example will update records in the contacts table where the last_name does not contain a null value.

Example – With DELETE Statement

Here is an example of how to use the IS NOT NULL condition in a DELETE statement:

DELETE FROM contacts
WHERE last_name IS NOT NULL;

This MySQL IS NOT NULL example will delete all records from the contacts table where the last_name does not contain a null value.

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