Pro Console is a commercial console version of Metasploit. It is available for Linux, Microsoft OS, and OSX. Metasploit Pro can help penetration testers to −
- Leverage the Metasploit open source project and its leading exploit library
- Manage data in large assessments
- Control compromised machines and take over the network
- Automatically generate reports containing key findings
- Improve security by prioritizing exploitable vulnerabilities
- Prove effectiveness of remediation or compensating controls to auditors
- Get comprehensive visibility of user risks by integrating with Rapid7 UserInsight
- Test the effectiveness of security controls
- Simulate phishing campaigns for thousands of users
Metasploit Pro offers a command prompt and a WEB UI.
To use Metasploit Pro, you need to purchase it from Rapid7 and install it on your system. In Windows environment, to launch Metasploit Pro, go to: Start → All Programs → Metasploit → Metasploit console.
If you are working in Linux environment, the open the command line terminal and type sudo msfpro.