In this chapter, we will understand how to convert an issue to a subtask. For doing this, we should follow the procedure given below.
To begin with, navigate and click to the issue, which needs to be converted into a subtask. Select More → Convert to subtask. The following screenshot shows how to navigate to convert to sub-task.

Choose the parent issue in which this subtask will be tagged. The following screenshot shows how to convert the issue into a sub-task.

Click on Next. If the status of the issue is not an allowed status for the new issue type. Select – New Status will be displayed. Select a new status and click on the Next button.
Update Fields screen will be prompted to enter any additional fields, if they are required. Otherwise, a message will be prompted as – ‘All fields will be updated automatically’. Click on Next.
The following screenshot shows how to convert the issue in sub-tasks.

The Confirmation screen is displayed. It will display the original values and the new values. Click on Finish.
The following screenshot shows how to convert the issue in sub-tasks.

The original issue will be displayed. Now it is a sub-task. The parent’s issue number is now displayed at the top of the screen. The following screenshot shows how the sub-task displays after successful conversion from an issue.

Convert an Issue to a Subtask
We should consider the following points while converting an issue to a subtask.
- An issue cannot be converted into a subtask if it has its own subtask.
- To convert such an issue into a subtask, we should first convert all the subtasks of issues into a standard issue and after that convert the issue into a subtask.
- Subtasks cannot be moved from one issue to another directly.
- To move a subtask from one issue to another, first convert all sub-tasks into issues and then again, convert issues to subtasks by giving the parent issue name while converting.
In the next chapter, we will learn how to covert a subtask to an issue.