Fortran – Reshape Functions

Fortran Reshape functions

In this guide, we will discuss Fortran Reshape Functions. The following table describes the reshape function:

reshape(source, shape, pad, order)It constructs an array with a specified shape shape starting from the elements in a given array source. If pad is not included then the size of source has to be at least product (shape). If pad is included, it has to have the same type as source. If order is included, it has to be an integer array with the same shape as shape and the values must be a permutation of (1,2,3,…,n), where n is the number of elements in shape , it has to be less than, or equal to 7.


The following example demonstrates the concept:

program arrayReshape
implicit none

   subroutine write_matrix(a)
   real, dimension(:,:) :: a
   end subroutine write_matrix
   end interface

   real, dimension (1:9) :: b = (/ 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 /)
   real, dimension (1:3, 1:3) :: c, d, e
   real, dimension (1:4, 1:4) :: f, g, h

   integer, dimension (1:2) :: order1 = (/ 1, 2 /)
   integer, dimension (1:2) :: order2 = (/ 2, 1 /)
   real, dimension (1:16) :: pad1 = (/ -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, &
                                 & -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -15, -16 /)

   c = reshape( b, (/ 3, 3 /) )
   call write_matrix(c)

   d = reshape( b, (/ 3, 3 /), order = order1)
   call write_matrix(d)

   e = reshape( b, (/ 3, 3 /), order = order2)
   call write_matrix(e)

   f = reshape( b, (/ 4, 4 /), pad = pad1)
   call write_matrix(f)

   g = reshape( b, (/ 4, 4 /), pad = pad1, order = order1)
   call write_matrix(g)

   h = reshape( b, (/ 4, 4 /), pad = pad1, order = order2)
   call write_matrix(h)

end program arrayReshape

subroutine write_matrix(a)
   real, dimension(:,:) :: a
   do i = lbound(a,1), ubound(a,1)
      write(*,*) (a(i,j), j = lbound(a,2), ubound(a,2))
   end do
end subroutine write_matrix

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

21.0000000  24.0000000  27.0000000    
22.0000000  25.0000000  28.0000000    
23.0000000  26.0000000  29.0000000    

21.0000000  24.0000000  27.0000000    
22.0000000  25.0000000  28.0000000    
23.0000000  26.0000000  29.0000000    

21.0000000  22.0000000  23.0000000    
24.0000000  25.0000000  26.0000000    
27.0000000  28.0000000  29.0000000    

21.0000000  25.0000000  29.0000000   -4.00000000    
22.0000000  26.0000000  -1.00000000  -5.00000000    
23.0000000  27.0000000  -2.00000000  -6.00000000    
24.0000000  28.0000000  -3.00000000  -7.00000000    

21.0000000  25.0000000  29.0000000   -4.00000000    
22.0000000  26.0000000  -1.00000000  -5.00000000    
23.0000000  27.0000000  -2.00000000  -6.00000000    
24.0000000  28.0000000  -3.00000000  -7.00000000    

21.0000000  22.0000000  23.0000000   24.0000000    
25.0000000  26.0000000  27.0000000   28.0000000    
29.0000000  -1.00000000 -2.00000000  -3.00000000    
-4.00000000 -5.00000000 -6.00000000  -7.00000000    

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