Fortran – Reduction Functions

Fortran reduction functions

In this guide, we will discuss Fortran Reduction Functions. The following table describes the reduction functions:

all(mask, dim)It returns a logical value that indicates whether all relations in mask are .true., along with only the desired dimension if the second argument is given.
any(mask, dim)It returns a logical value that indicates whether any relation in mask is .true., along with only the desired dimension if the second argument is given.
count(mask, dim)It returns a numerical value that is the number of relations in mask which are .true., along with only the desired dimension if the second argument is given.
maxval(array, dim, mask)It returns the largest value in the array array, of those that obey the relation in the third argument mask, if that one is given, along with only the desired dimension if the second argument dim is given.
minval(array, dim, mask)It returns the smallest value in the array array, of those that obey the relation in the third argument mask, if that one is given, along with only the desired dimension if the second argument DIM is given.
product(array, dim, mask)It returns the product of all the elements in the array array, of those that obey the relation in the third argument mask, if that one is given, along with only the desired dimension if the second argument dim is given.
sum (array, dim, mask)It returns the sum of all the elements in the array array, of those that obey the relation in the third argument mask, if that one is given, along with only the desired dimension if the second argument dim is given.


The following example demonstrates the concept:

program arrayReduction

   real, dimension(3,2) :: a 
   a = reshape( (/5,9,6,10,8,12/), (/3,2/) ) 
   Print *, all(a>5)
   Print *, any(a>5)
   Print *, count(a>5)
   Print *, all(a>=5 .and. a<10)
end program arrayReduction

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:



The following example demonstrates the concept:

program arrayReduction
implicit none

   real, dimension(1:6) :: a = (/ 21.0, 12.0,33.0, 24.0, 15.0, 16.0 /)
   Print *, maxval(a)
   Print *, minval(a)
   Print *, sum(a)
   Print *, product(a)
end program arrayReduction 

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:


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