This is nothing but updating the class implementation without redefining it and reopening the class by specifying new properties in it. This is possible by using the following methods −
- reopen() − It adds properties and methods to instances.
- reopenClass() − It adds properties and methods to the classes..
The following example uses the methods mentioned above and specifies the new properties or methods in it −
import Ember from 'ember'; export default function() { //reopen() method for instances var Person = Ember.Object.extend ({ firstName: null, lastName: null, }); //adding new variable to the Person class Person.reopen ({ middleName: 'Smith', }); document.write('Middle Name: '+Person.create().get('middleName')); document.write("<br>"); //reopenClass() method for classes Person.reopenClass ({ //creating new function for class Person openClass: function() { return Person.create({isMan: true}); } }); document.write('isMan: '+Person.openClass().get('isMan')); }
Now open the app.js file and add the following line at the top of the file −
import reopenclass from './reopenclass';
Where, reopenclass is a name of the file specified as “reopenclass.js” and created under the “app” folder.
Next call the inherited “reopenclass” at the bottom, before the export. It executes the reopenclass function which is created in the reopenclass.js file −
Run the ember server and you will receive the following output −
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