You can easily define the component in Ember.js and each component must have a dash in their name (ex: my-component). Ember.js has the power of defining the component subclasses by using an Ember.Component class.
The component can be created by using the below command −
ember generate component component-name
The example given below describe how to define a component in Ember.js. Create a component with the name post-action, which will get defined under app/components/.
Open the post-action.js file and add the following code −
import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Component.extend ({ toggleBody:['Welcome to Adglob!!!'] });
Now open the component template file post-action.hbs with the following code −
{{#each toggleBody as |body|}} Hello...{{body}} {{/each}} {{yield}}
Open the index.hbs file and add the following code −
{{post-action}} {{outlet}}
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