The method text can be used to obtain the text of a web element. Assertions can also be added to verify the text content.
Implementation with text()
Given below is the command for the implementation with text() with regards to verification −
// test suite
describe('Adglob', function () {
// it function to identify test
it('Scenario 1', function (){
// test step to launch a URL
// identify element
//method text to obtain text content
const t = e.text()
Execution Results
The output is as follows −
The output logs show the text Sign in obtained with the text method.
Implementation with text assertions
We can also implement assertions on web element text with the help of the following command −
// test suite
describe('Adglob', function () {
// it function to identify test
it('Scenario 1', function (){
// test step to launch a URL
// verify text with have.text
cy.get('h1#headingText').find('span').should('have.text','Sign in')
Execution Results
The output is mentioned below −
The output logs show the text verification done with should assertion.