Annotation is a predefined text, which holds a specific meaning. It lets the compiler/interpreter know, what should be done upon execution. Cucumber has got the following few annotations −
- Given −
- It describes the pre-requisite for the test to be executed.
- Example − GIVEN I am a Facebook user
- When −
- It defines the trigger point for any test scenario execution.
- Example − WHEN I enter “<username>”
- Then −
- Then holds the expected result for the test to be executed.
- Example − THEN login should be successful.
- And −
- It provides the logical AND condition between any two statements. AND can be used in conjunction with GIVEN, WHEN and THEN statement.
- Example − WHEN I enter my “<username>” AND I enter my “<password>”
- But −
- It signifies logical OR condition between any two statements. OR can be used in conjunction with GIVEN, WHEN and THEN statement.
- Example − THEN login should be successful. BUT home page should not be missing.
- Scenario −
- Details about the scenario under the test needs to be captured after the keyword “Scenario:”
- Example −Scenario:GIVEN I am a Facebook userWHEN I enter myAND I enter myTHEN login should be successful.BUT home page should not be missing.
- Scenario Outline − (To be covered later)
- Examples − (To be covered later)
- Background −
- Background generally has the instruction on what to setup before each scenario runs.
- Example −Background:Go to Facebook home page.
- Background generally has the instruction on what to setup before each scenario runs.
Example Scenario
Let’s automate a scenario in order to understand annotations better.
Step 1
Create a Maven Test Project named as AnnotationTest.
- Go to File → New → Others → Maven → Maven Project → Next.
- Provide group Id (group Id will identify your project uniquely across all projects).
- Provide artifact Id (artifact Id is the name of the jar without version. You can choose any name which is in lowercase).
- Click on Finish.
- Open pom.xml −
- Go to package explorer on the left hand side of Eclipse.
- Expand the project AnnotationTest.
- Locate pom.xml file.
- Right-click and select the option, Open with “Text Editor”.
- Add dependency for Selenium − This will indicate Maven, which Selenium jar files are to be downloaded from the central repository to the local repository.
- Open pom.xml is in edit mode, create dependencies tag (<dependencies></dependencies>), inside the project tag.
- Inside the dependencies tag, create dependency tag (<dependency></dependency>).
- Provide the following information within the dependency tag.
<dependency> <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> <artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId> <version>2.47.1</version> </dependency>
- Add dependency for Cucumber-Java − This will indicate Maven, which Cucumber files are to be downloaded from the central repository to the local repository.
- Create one more dependency tag.
- Provide following information within the dependency tag.
<dependency> <groupId>info.cukes</groupId> <artifactId>cucumber-java</artifactId> <version>1.0.2</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
- Add dependency for Cucumber-JUnit − This will indicate Maven, which Cucumber JUnit files are to be downloaded from the central repository to the local repository.
- Create one more dependency tag.
- Provide the following information within the dependency tag.
<dependency> <groupId>info.cukes</groupId> <artifactId>cucumber-junit</artifactId> <version>1.0.2</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
- Add dependency for JUnit − This will indicate Maven, which JUnit files are to be downloaded from the central repository to the local repository.
- Create one more dependency tag.
- Provide the following information within the dependency tag.
<dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.10</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
- Verify binaries.
- Once pom.xml is edited successfully, save it.
- Go to Project → Clean − It will take a few minutes.
Step 2
Create a package named Annotation under src/test/java
- Select the newly created project.
- Right-click and select ‘New’.
- Select option as ‘Package’.
- Name it as ‘Annotation’.
- Save it.
Step 3
Create a feature file named annotation.feature.
- Select and right-click on the package outline.
- Click on ‘New’ file.
- Give the file a name such as outline.feature.
- Write the following text within the file and save it.
Feature: annotation #This is how background can be used to eliminate duplicate steps Background: User navigates to Facebook Given I am on Facebook login page #Scenario with AND Scenario: When I enter username as "TOM" And I enter password as "JERRY" Then Login should fail #Scenario with BUT Scenario: When I enter username as "TOM" And I enter password as "JERRY" Then Login should fail But Relogin option should be available
Step 4
Create a step definition file.
- Select and right-click on the package outline.
- Click on ‘New’ file.
- Give the file name as
- Write the following text within the file and save it.
package Annotation; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import cucumber.annotation.en.Given; import cucumber.annotation.en.Then; import cucumber.annotation.en.When; public class annotation { WebDriver driver = null; @Given("^I am on Facebook login page$") public void goToFacebook() { driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.navigate().to(""); } @When("^I enter username as \"(.*)\"$") public void enterUsername(String arg1) { driver.findElement("email")).sendKeys(arg1); } @When ("^I enter password as \"(.*)\"$") public void enterPassword(String arg1) { driver.findElement("pass")).sendKeys(arg1); driver.findElement("u_0_v")).click(); } @Then("^Login should fail$") public void checkFail() { if(driver.getCurrentUrl().equalsIgnoreCase( "")){ System.out.println("Test1 Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Test1 Failed"); } driver.close(); } @Then("^Relogin option should be available$") public void checkRelogin() { if(driver.getCurrentUrl().equalsIgnoreCase( "")){ System.out.println("Test2 Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Test2 Failed"); } driver.close(); } }
Step 5
Create a runner class file.
- Select and right-click on the package outline.
- Click on ‘New’ file.
- Give the file a name, such as
- Write the following text within the file and save it.
package Annotation; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import cucumber.junit.Cucumber; @RunWith(Cucumber.class) @Cucumber.Options(format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber"}) public class runTest { }
Step 6
Run the test using option −
- Select file from the package explorer.
- Right-click and select the option ‘Run as’
- Select JUnit test.
You will observe the following things when you run this class file −
- Facebook opens in a new Firefox web-browser instance.
- TOM will be passed as an input to the username field.
- JERRY will be passed as an input to the password field.
- Login will be clicked.
- Message will be displayed on the browser regarding unsuccessful login.
- In the console, you will see “Test Pass” printed
- Step result 1. to 5. Will be re-executed for username as “” and password as “”.