Groovy – ceil()
The method ceil gives the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument. Syntax double ceil(double d) double ceil(float f) Parameters − A double or float primitive data…
The method ceil gives the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument. Syntax double ceil(double d) double ceil(float f) Parameters − A double or float primitive data…
The method gives the absolute value of the argument. The argument can be int, float, long, double, short, byte. Syntax double abs(double d) float abs(float f) int abs(int i) long…
This method is used to get the primitive data type of a certain String. parseXxx() is a static method and can have one argument or two. Syntax static int parseInt(String…
The method is used to get a String objects representing the value of the Number Object. If the method takes a primitive data type as an argument, then the String…
The valueOf method returns the relevant Number Object holding the value of the argument passed. The argument can be a primitive data type, String, etc. This method is a static…
The method determines whether the Number object that invokes the method is equal to the object that is passed as argument. Syntax public boolean equals(Object o) Parameters o - Any…
The compareTo method is to use compare one number against another. This is useful if you want to compare the value of numbers. Syntax public int compareTo( NumberSubClass referenceName )…
This method takes on the Number as the parameter and returns a primitive type based on the method which is invoked. Following are the list of methods available − byte…
In Groovy, Numbers are actually represented as object’s, all of them being an instance of the class Integer. To make an object do something, we need to invoke one of…
Groovy is an “optionally” typed language, and that distinction is an important one when understanding the fundamentals of the language. When compared to Java, which is a “strongly” typed language,…