CICS programs are written in COBOL language in Mainframes. We will be discussing about writing a simple COBOL-CICS program, compiling it, and then executing it. CICS Program We will be…
CICS programs are written in COBOL language in Mainframes. We will be discussing about writing a simple COBOL-CICS program, compiling it, and then executing it. CICS Program We will be…
As of now, we have learnt the use of files in COBOL. Now, we will discuss how a COBOL program interacts with DB2. It involves the following terms − Embedded…
Sorting of data in a file or merging of two or more files is a common necessity in almost all business-oriented applications. Sorting is used for arranging records either in…
Cobol subroutine is a program that can be compiled independently but cannot be executed independently. There are two types of subroutines: internal subroutines like Perform statements and external subroutines like CALL verb. Call Verb Call verb…
File handling verbs are used to perform various operations on files. Following are the file handling verbs − OpenReadWriteRewriteDeleteStartClose Open Verb Open is the first file operation that must be…
Till now, file organization schemes have been discussed. For each file organization scheme, different access modes can be used. Following are the types of file access modes − Sequential AccessRandom…
File organization indicates how the records are organized in a file. There are different types of organizations for files so as to increase their efficiency of accessing the records. Following…
The concept of files in COBOL is different from that in C/C++. While learning the basics of 'File' in COBOL, the concepts of both languages should not be corelated. Simple…
Arrays in COBOL are known as tables. An array is a linear data structure and is a collection of individual data items of same type. Data items of a table…
String handling statements in COBOL are used to do multiple functional operations on strings. Following are the string handling statements − InspectStringUnstring Inspect Inspect verb is used to count or…