Cloudrail – Coding
Create a new file for your server code in the created folder and add the following to import and setup Express and CloudRail − javascript const express = require("express"); const cloudrail = require("cloudrail-si"); const…
Create a new file for your server code in the created folder and add the following to import and setup Express and CloudRail − javascript const express = require("express"); const cloudrail = require("cloudrail-si"); const…
Register a CloudRail app Use this link to create a new app (you may have to login first) − You can find your CloudRail license key in the app summary. Register…
This section presents the use-case of implementing social login for a (web) app. This chapter provides just an overview on Social Login and in the subsequent chapters, we will show…
This section gives an introduction on how to use CloudRail's iOS SDK. Setup The easiest way to install is via CocoaPods. Simply add the following to your podfile − pod "cloudrail-si-ios-sdk" Make sure…
This section gives an introduction on how to use CloudRail's Node.js SDK. Setup The easiest way to install is via NPM. Simply use the following command − npm install cloudrail-si Usage…
This section gives an introduction on how to use CloudRail's Java SDK. Setup The easiest way to install is via Maven. It suffices to add the following to your pom.xml file −…
This section gives an introduction on how to use CloudRail's Android SDK. Setup The easiest way to install is via Maven. If you are using Android Studio with Gradle, it…
CloudRail is an API integration solution that speeds up the process of integrating third-party APIs into an application and maintaining them. It does so by providing libraries for multiple platforms…