EmberJS – Router Nested Routes
You can define nested routes by defining a template inside another template by passing a callback to the current route. Syntax Router.map(function() { this.route('link-page', { path: 'pathTolinkpag' }, function() {…
You can define nested routes by defining a template inside another template by passing a callback to the current route. Syntax Router.map(function() { this.route('link-page', { path: 'pathTolinkpag' }, function() {…
The router matches the current URL with routes responsible for displaying template, loading data and setting up an application state. The router map() method is used for defining the URL mappings that…
Router is a core feature of EmberJs which translates an URL into a series of templates and represents the state of an application.The Ember uses the router to map the…
The object model binding specifies the changes in one direction by using the one way binding method computed.oneWay() and can be useful when specifying the behaviour on another property by overriding. Example…
The binding is a powerful feature of Ember.js which helps to create a link between two properties and if one of the properties gets changed, the other one is updated…
You can define the inline observers by using the Ember.observer method without the prototype extensions. Following is the syntax to define the inline observers using the Ember.observer method. App.ClassName = Ember.Object.extend ({ ComputedPropertyName: Ember.observer('ComputedPropertyNames',…
Observers are synchronous in Ember.js, which fires immediately when one of the property of an observer gets updated. Example The following example fires as soon as one of the properties…
The observer observes the property such as computed properties and updates the text of the computed property. It fires when the text is updated or changed. Syntax funName1: Ember.computed(function() {…
The computed property accesses all items in an array to determine its value. It easily adds the items and removes the items from the array. The dependent key contains a…
The setting of computed properties can be done with the Setter and Getter methods. This manages the values of the variable declared in the computed property. The set() method evaluates values for…