AWK – Basic Examples
This topic is about AWK - Basic Examples. This chapter describes several useful AWK commands and their appropriate examples. Consider a text file marks.txt to be processed with the following content −…
This topic is about AWK - Basic Examples. This chapter describes several useful AWK commands and their appropriate examples. Consider a text file marks.txt to be processed with the following content −…
This topic is about AWK - Basic Syntax. AWK is simple to use. We can provide AWK commands either directly from the command line or in the form of a…
This topic is about AWK - Workflow. To become an expert AWK programmer, you need to know its internals. AWK follows a simple workflow − Read, Execute, and Repeat. The…
This topic is about AWK - Environment. This chapter describes how to set up the AWK environment on your GNU/Linux system. Installation Using Package Manager Generally, AWK is available by…
This topic is about AWK - Overview. AWK is an interpreted programming language. It is very powerful and specially designed for text processing. Its name is derived from the family…
This topic is about Awk Tutorial. This Chapter takes you through AWK, one of the most prominent text-processing utility on GNU/Linux. It is very powerful and uses simple programming language.…
This topic is about Unix Socket - Network Addresses. Before we proceed with the actual stuff, let us discuss a bit about the Network Addresses − the IP Address. The…
This topic is about Unix Socket - What is a Socket?. Sockets allow communication between two different processes on the same or different machines. To be more precise, it's a…
This topic is about Unix Socket Tutorial. Sockets are communication points on the same or different computers to exchange data. Sockets are supported by Unix, Windows, Mac, and many other…
This topic is about Unix Socket - Summary. Here is a list of all the functions related to socket programming. Port and Service Functions Unix provides the following functions to…