Solidity – Operators
This topic is about Solidity - Operators. What is an Operator? Let us take a simple expression 4 + 5 is equal to 9. Here 4 and 5 are called operands and '+'…
This topic is about Solidity - Operators. What is an Operator? Let us take a simple expression 4 + 5 is equal to 9. Here 4 and 5 are called operands and '+'…
This topic is about Solidity - Variable Scope. Scope of local variables is limited to function in which they are defined but State variables can have three types of scopes.…
This topic is about Solidity - Variables. Solidity supports three types of variables. State Variables − Variables whose values are permanently stored in a contract storage.Local Variables − Variables whose values are…
This topic is about Solidity - Types. While writing program in any language, you need to use various variables to store various information. Variables are nothing but reserved memory locations…
This topic is about Solidity - Comments. Solidity supports both C-style and C++-style comments, Thus − Any text between a // and the end of a line is treated as…
This topic is about of Solidity - First Application. We're using Remix IDE to Compile and Run our Solidity Code base. Step 1 − Copy the given code in Remix IDE Code Section.…
This topic is about Solidity - Basic Syntax. A Solidity source files can contain an any number of contract definitions, import directives and pragma directives. Let's start with a simple…
This topic is Solidity - Environment Setup. This chapter explains how we can setup Solidity compiler on CentOS machine. If you do not have a Linux machine then you can…
This topic is about Solidity - Overview. Solidity is a contract-oriented, high-level programming language for implementing smart contracts. Solidity is highly influenced by C++, Python and JavaScript and has been…
This chapter is about Solidity Tutorial. Solidity is a contract-oriented, high-level programming language for implementing smart contracts. Solidity is highly influenced by C++, Python and JavaScript and has been designed…