Aurelia – Data Binding

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Aurelia - Data Binding

In this guide we will discuss about Data Binding of Aurelia. Aurelia has its own data-binding system. In this chapter, you will learn how to bind data with Aurelia, and also explain the different binding mechanics.

Simple Binding

You already saw simple binding in some of our previous chapters. ${…}syntax is used to link veiw-model and view.


export class App {  
   constructor() {
      this.myData = 'Welcome to Aurelia app!';


Aurelia - Data Binding

Two-Way Binding

The beauty of Aurelia is in its simplicity. The two-way data binding is automatically set, when we bind to input fields


export class App {  
   constructor() {
      this.myData = 'Enter some text!';


   <input id = "name" type = "text" value.bind = "myData" />

Now, we have our view-model and view linked. Whenever we enter some text inside the input field, the view will be updated.

Aurelia - Data Binding

Binding Behavior

In this chapter, you will learn how to use behaviors. You can think of binding behavior as a filter that can change the binding data and display it in a different format.


This behavior is used to set how often should some binding update take place. We can use throttle to slow down the rate of updating input view-model. Consider the example from the last chapter. The default rate is 200 ms. We can change that to 2 sec by adding & throttle:2000 to our input.


export class App {  
   constructor() {
      this.myData = 'Enter some text!';


   <input id = "name" type = "text" value.bind = "myData & throttle:2000" />
Aurelia - Binding Behavior


debounce is almost the same as throttle. The difference being, debounce will update the binding after the user has stopped typing. The following example will update the binding if the user stops typing for two seconds.


export class App {  
   constructor() {
      this.myData = 'Enter some text!';


   <input id = "name" type = "text" value.bind = "myData & debounce:2000" />


oneTime is the most efficient behavior performance wise. You should always use it when you know that data should be bound only once.


export class App {  
   constructor() {
      this.myData = 'Enter some text!';


   <input id = "name" type = "text" value.bind = "myData & oneTime" />

The above example will bind the text to the view. However, if we change the default text, nothing will happen since it is bound only once.

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