Apache Storm – Working Example

We have gone through the core technical details of the Apache Storm and now it is time to code some simple scenarios.

Scenario – Mobile Call Log Analyzer

Mobile call and its duration will be given as input to Apache Storm and the Storm will process and group the call between the same caller and receiver and their total number of calls.

Spout Creation

Spout is a component which is used for data generation. Basically, a spout will implement an IRichSpout interface. β€œIRichSpout” interface has the following important methods βˆ’

  • open βˆ’ Provides the spout with an environment to execute. The executors will run this method to initialize the spout.
  • nextTuple βˆ’ Emits the generated data through the collector.
  • close βˆ’ This method is called when a spout is going to shutdown.
  • declareOutputFields βˆ’ Declares the output schema of the tuple.
  • ack βˆ’ Acknowledges that a specific tuple is processed
  • fail βˆ’ Specifies that a specific tuple is not processed and not to be reprocessed.


The signature of the open method is as follows βˆ’

open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector)
  • conf βˆ’ Provides storm configuration for this spout.
  • context βˆ’ Provides complete information about the spout place within the topology, its task id, input and output information.
  • collector βˆ’ Enables us to emit the tuple that will be processed by the bolts.


The signature of the nextTuple method is as follows βˆ’


nextTuple() is called periodically from the same loop as the ack() and fail() methods. It must release control of the thread when there is no work to do, so that the other methods have a chance to be called. So the first line of nextTuple checks to see if processing has finished. If so, it should sleep for at least one millisecond to reduce load on the processor before returning.


The signature of the close method is as follows βˆ’



The signature of the declareOutputFields method is as follows βˆ’

declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer)

declarer βˆ’ It is used to declare output stream ids, output fields, etc.

This method is used to specify the output schema of the tuple.


The signature of the ack method is as follows βˆ’

ack(Object msgId)

This method acknowledges that a specific tuple has been processed.


The signature of the nextTuple method is as follows βˆ’

ack(Object msgId)

This method informs that a specific tuple has not been fully processed. Storm will reprocess the specific tuple.


In our scenario, we need to collect the call log details. The information of the call log contains.

  • caller number
  • receiver number
  • duration

Since, we don’t have real-time information of call logs, we will generate fake call logs. The fake information will be created using Random class. The complete program code is given below.

Coding βˆ’ FakeCallLogReaderSpout.java

import java.util.*;
//import storm tuple packages
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;

//import Spout interface packages
import backtype.storm.topology.IRichSpout;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.spout.SpoutOutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;

//Create a class FakeLogReaderSpout which implement IRichSpout interface 
   to access functionalities
public class FakeCallLogReaderSpout implements IRichSpout {
   //Create instance for SpoutOutputCollector which passes tuples to bolt.
   private SpoutOutputCollector collector;
   private boolean completed = false;
   //Create instance for TopologyContext which contains topology data.
   private TopologyContext context;
   //Create instance for Random class.
   private Random randomGenerator = new Random();
   private Integer idx = 0;

   public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
      this.context = context;
      this.collector = collector;

   public void nextTuple() {
      if(this.idx <= 1000) {
         List<String> mobileNumbers = new ArrayList<String>();

         Integer localIdx = 0;
         while(localIdx++ < 100 && this.idx++ < 1000) {
            String fromMobileNumber = mobileNumbers.get(randomGenerator.nextInt(4));
            String toMobileNumber = mobileNumbers.get(randomGenerator.nextInt(4));
            while(fromMobileNumber == toMobileNumber) {
               toMobileNumber = mobileNumbers.get(randomGenerator.nextInt(4));
            Integer duration = randomGenerator.nextInt(60);
            this.collector.emit(new Values(fromMobileNumber, toMobileNumber, duration));

   public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
      declarer.declare(new Fields("from", "to", "duration"));

   //Override all the interface methods
   public void close() {}

   public boolean isDistributed() {
      return false;

   public void activate() {}

   public void deactivate() {}

   public void ack(Object msgId) {}

   public void fail(Object msgId) {}

   public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
      return null;

Bolt Creation

Bolt is a component that takes tuples as input, processes the tuple, and produces new tuples as output. Bolts will implement IRichBolt interface. In this program, two bolt classes CallLogCreatorBolt and CallLogCounterBolt are used to perform the operations.

IRichBolt interface has the following methods βˆ’

  • prepare βˆ’ Provides the bolt with an environment to execute. The executors will run this method to initialize the spout.
  • execute βˆ’ Process a single tuple of input.
  • cleanup βˆ’ Called when a bolt is going to shutdown.
  • declareOutputFields βˆ’ Declares the output schema of the tuple.


The signature of the prepare method is as follows βˆ’

prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector)
  • conf βˆ’ Provides Storm configuration for this bolt.
  • context βˆ’ Provides complete information about the bolt place within the topology, its task id, input and output information, etc.
  • collector βˆ’ Enables us to emit the processed tuple.


The signature of the execute method is as follows βˆ’

execute(Tuple tuple)

Here tuple is the input tuple to be processed.

The execute method processes a single tuple at a time. The tuple data can be accessed by getValue method of Tuple class. It is not necessary to process the input tuple immediately. Multiple tuple can be processed and output as a single output tuple. The processed tuple can be emitted by using the OutputCollector class.


The signature of the cleanup method is as follows βˆ’



The signature of the declareOutputFields method is as follows βˆ’

declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer)

Here the parameter declarer is used to declare output stream ids, output fields, etc.

This method is used to specify the output schema of the tuple

Call log Creator Bolt

Call log creator bolt receives the call log tuple. The call log tuple has caller number, receiver number, and call duration. This bolt simply creates a new value by combining the caller number and the receiver number. The format of the new value is “Caller number – Receiver number” and it is named as new field, “call”. The complete code is given below.

Coding βˆ’ CallLogCreatorBolt.java

//import util packages
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;
import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;

//import Storm IRichBolt package
import backtype.storm.topology.IRichBolt;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;

//Create a class CallLogCreatorBolt which implement IRichBolt interface
public class CallLogCreatorBolt implements IRichBolt {
   //Create instance for OutputCollector which collects and emits tuples to produce output
   private OutputCollector collector;

   public void prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector) {
      this.collector = collector;

   public void execute(Tuple tuple) {
      String from = tuple.getString(0);
      String to = tuple.getString(1);
      Integer duration = tuple.getInteger(2);
      collector.emit(new Values(from + " - " + to, duration));

   public void cleanup() {}

   public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
      declarer.declare(new Fields("call", "duration"));
   public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
      return null;

Call log Counter Bolt

Call log counter bolt receives call and its duration as a tuple. This bolt initializes a dictionary (Map) object in the prepare method. In execute method, it checks the tuple and creates a new entry in the dictionary object for every new β€œcall” value in the tuple and sets a value 1 in the dictionary object. For the already available entry in the dictionary, it just increment its value. In simple terms, this bolt saves the call and its count in the dictionary object. Instead of saving the call and its count in the dictionary, we can also save it to a datasource. The complete program code is as follows βˆ’

Coding βˆ’ CallLogCounterBolt.java

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;
import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.IRichBolt;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;

public class CallLogCounterBolt implements IRichBolt {
   Map<String, Integer> counterMap;
   private OutputCollector collector;

   public void prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector) {
      this.counterMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
      this.collector = collector;

   public void execute(Tuple tuple) {
      String call = tuple.getString(0);
      Integer duration = tuple.getInteger(1);
         counterMap.put(call, 1);
         Integer c = counterMap.get(call) + 1;
         counterMap.put(call, c);

   public void cleanup() {
      for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry:counterMap.entrySet()){
         System.out.println(entry.getKey()+" : " + entry.getValue());

   public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
      declarer.declare(new Fields("call"));
   public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
      return null;

Creating Topology

The Storm topology is basically a Thrift structure. TopologyBuilder class provides simple and easy methods to create complex topologies. The TopologyBuilder class has methods to set spout (setSpout) and to set bolt (setBolt). Finally, TopologyBuilder has createTopology to create topology. Use the following code snippet to create a topology βˆ’

TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();

builder.setSpout("call-log-reader-spout", new FakeCallLogReaderSpout());

builder.setBolt("call-log-creator-bolt", new CallLogCreatorBolt())

builder.setBolt("call-log-counter-bolt", new CallLogCounterBolt())
   .fieldsGrouping("call-log-creator-bolt", new Fields("call"));

shuffleGrouping and fieldsGrouping methods help to set stream grouping for spout and bolts.

Local Cluster

For development purpose, we can create a local cluster using “LocalCluster” object and then submit the topology using “submitTopology” method of “LocalCluster” class. One of the arguments for “submitTopology” is an instance of “Config” class. The “Config” class is used to set configuration options before submitting the topology. This configuration option will be merged with the cluster configuration at run time and sent to all task (spout and bolt) with the prepare method. Once topology is submitted to the cluster, we will wait 10 seconds for the cluster to compute the submitted topology and then shutdown the cluster using β€œshutdown” method of “LocalCluster”. The complete program code is as follows βˆ’

Coding βˆ’ LogAnalyserStorm.java

import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;

//import storm configuration packages
import backtype.storm.Config;
import backtype.storm.LocalCluster;
import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder;

//Create main class LogAnalyserStorm submit topology.
public class LogAnalyserStorm {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
      //Create Config instance for cluster configuration
      Config config = new Config();
      TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
      builder.setSpout("call-log-reader-spout", new FakeCallLogReaderSpout());

      builder.setBolt("call-log-creator-bolt", new CallLogCreatorBolt())

      builder.setBolt("call-log-counter-bolt", new CallLogCounterBolt())
         .fieldsGrouping("call-log-creator-bolt", new Fields("call"));
      LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
      cluster.submitTopology("LogAnalyserStorm", config, builder.createTopology());
      //Stop the topology

Building and Running the Application

The complete application has four Java codes. They are βˆ’

  • FakeCallLogReaderSpout.java
  • CallLogCreaterBolt.java
  • CallLogCounterBolt.java
  • LogAnalyerStorm.java

The application can be built using the following command βˆ’

javac -cp β€œ/path/to/storm/apache-storm-0.9.5/lib/*” *.java

The application can be run using the following command βˆ’

java -cp β€œ/path/to/storm/apache-storm-0.9.5/lib/*”:. LogAnalyserStorm


Once the application is started, it will output the complete details about the cluster startup process, spout and bolt processing, and finally, the cluster shutdown process. In “CallLogCounterBolt”, we have printed the call and its count details. This information will be displayed on the console as follows βˆ’

1234123402 - 1234123401 : 78
1234123402 - 1234123404 : 88
1234123402 - 1234123403 : 105
1234123401 - 1234123404 : 74
1234123401 - 1234123403 : 81
1234123401 - 1234123402 : 81
1234123403 - 1234123404 : 86
1234123404 - 1234123401 : 63
1234123404 - 1234123402 : 82
1234123403 - 1234123402 : 83
1234123404 - 1234123403 : 86
1234123403 - 1234123401 : 93

Non-JVM languages

Storm topologies are implemented by Thrift interfaces which makes it easy to submit topologies in any language. Storm supports Ruby, Python and many other languages. Let’s take a look at python binding.

Python Binding

Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language. Storm supports Python to implement its topology. Python supports emitting, anchoring, acking, and logging operations.

As you know, bolts can be defined in any language. Bolts written in another language are executed as sub-processes, and Storm communicates with those sub-processes with JSON messages over stdin/stdout. First take a sample bolt WordCount that supports python binding.

public static class WordCount implements IRichBolt {
   public WordSplit() {
      super("python", "splitword.py");
   public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
      declarer.declare(new Fields("word"));

Here the class WordCount implements the IRichBolt interface and running with python implementation specified super method argument “splitword.py”. Now create a python implementation named “splitword.py”.

import storm
   class WordCountBolt(storm.BasicBolt):
      def process(self, tup):
         words = tup.values[0].split(" ")
         for word in words:

This is the sample implementation for Python that counts the words in a given sentence. Similarly you can bind with other supporting languages as well.

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