QlikView – Data Transformation

Data Transformation is the process of modifying the existing data to a new data format. It can also involve filtering out or adding some specific values to the existing data set. QlikView can carry out data transformation after reading it to its memory and using many in-built functions.

Input Data

Let us consider the following input data, which represents the sales figures for each month. This is stored as a CSV file with the name quarterly_sales.csv

Sales Values in Q2
Sales Values in Q3

Loading the Data

The above data is loaded to QlikView memory by using the script editor. Open the Script editor from the File menu or press Control+E. Choose the “Table Files” option from the “Data from Files” tab and browse for the file quarterlt_sales.csv. Click next.

The Transformation Wizard

The next screen prompts us to choose some data transformation. Click on the button Enable Transformation Step.

Transformation Type

In this step, we will select the transformation to eliminate the rows, which describe the quarter. We select Garbage → delete marked and select the two rows, which are not required. Click Next.

File Wizard Options

After selecting the type of Transformation and the rows to be removed, the next screen prompts us for any further transformation like selecting a where clause or adding any Prefixes. We will ignore this step and click Finish.

Load Script for Transformed Data

The Load script for the above data after all the transformation steps are complete is given below.

Displaying Transformed Data

The transformed data can be displayed by using a Table Box sheet object. The steps to create it are given below.

Next, we choose the fields for the Table Box.

The Table Box now displays the data in the sheet.

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