Math functions operate on mathematical formulae. The following table describes the list of functions in detail.
S.No. | Function & Description |
1 | abs(x)Returns the absolute value of x. |
2 | cbrt(x)Returns the cube root of x. |
3 | ceil(x)Returns x value rounded up to the nearest integer. |
4 | floor(x)Returns x rounded down to the nearest integer. |
5 | pi()Returns pi value. Result will be returned as double value. |
6 | radians(x)converts the angle x in degree radians. |
7 | degrees(x)Returns degree value for x. |
8 | pow(x,p)Returns power of value‘p’ to the x value. |
9 | div(x,y)Returns the division result for the given two x,y integer values. |
10 | exp(x)Returns Euler’s number e raised to the power of a number. |
11 | sqrt(x)Returns the square root of x. |
12 | sign(x)Returns the signum function of x, that is −0 if the argument is 01 if the argument is greater than 01 if the argument is less than 0 |
13 | mod(n,m)Returns the modulus (remainder) of n divided by m. |
14 | round(x)Returns the rounded value for x. |
15 | cos(x)Returns the cosine value(x). |
16 | asin(x)Returns the inverse sine value(x). |
17 | acos(x)Returns the inverse cosine value(x). |
18 | atan(x)Returns the inverse tangent value(x). |
19 | atan2(y,x)Returns the inverse tangent value(y/x). |
Data Type Functions
The following table lists out the data type functions available in Apache Tajo.
S.No. | Function & Description |
1 | to_bin(x)Returns the binary representation of integer. |
2 | to_char(int,text)Converts integer to string. |
3 | to_hex(x)Converts the x value into hexadecimal. |