Cypress – Prompt Pop-up Window

Cypress can handle prompt pop-up windows, where users can input values. A prompt has a text field, where the input is taken. To handle a prompt pop-up, cy.window() method is used.

It obtains the value of the object of the prompt (remote window). In a confirmation/alert pop-up, we have to fire a browser event. But for prompt pop-up, we have to use cy.stub() method.


Let us look at the below example, on clicking the Click for JS Prompt button, a prompt pop up gets displayed, as shown below −

The following prompt with the user input field gets displayed. Adglob is entered in the prompt pop-up, as shown below.

You entered − Adglob gets displayed under Result.

This can be seen in the screen displayed below −


Given below is an implementation of the commands for displaying prompt pop-up windows in Cypress −

describe('Adglob Test', function () {
   // test case
   it("Scenario 1", function () {
      //URL launch
      //handling prompt alert
         //stubbing prompt window
         cy.stub(p, "prompt").returns("Adglob");
         // click on Click for JS Prompt button
         cy.get(':nth-child(3) > button').click()
         // verify application message on clicking on OK
         cy.get('#result').contains('You entered: Adglob')

The output logs show the successful verification of the text.

You entered − Adglob is produced on clicking an OK button on prompt pop up. Also, the stub applied on the prompt window is visible on the output log.

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