The components doesn’t access the property directly in the template scope. Therefore, just declare the property at the time of component deceleration (ex: {{component-name title=title}}). The title property in the outer template scope is available inside the component’s template.
{{post-action title=title}}
In the above code, the ‘post-action’ component has the ‘title’ property and initialized with the same name as of property name (‘title’).
The example given below describes how to pass properties to a component.Create a route with the name as post-action and open the router.js file to define the URL mappings −
import Ember from 'ember'; //Access to Ember.js library as variable Ember import config from './config/environment'; //It provides access to app's configuration data as variable config //The const declares read only variable const Router = Ember.Router.extend ({ location: config.locationType, rootURL: config.rootURL }); { this.route('post-action'); }); //It specifies Router variable available to other parts of the app export default Router;
Now open the component template file post-action.hbs with the following code −
<p>Enter your data: {{input type = "text" value = title}}</p> <p>The details of the object passed are : {{title}}</p> {{yield}}
Open the index.hbs file and add the following code −
{{post-action title=title}} {{outlet}}
Open the file post-action.js file created under app/routes/ with the following code −
import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Route.extend ({ model: function() { //assigning the default value for 'title' property return { title: "" }; } });
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