Our B2B India Database of Key Decision Makers from Pan India Database has been Validated with almost 90% accuracy.
Total number of contacts is 1.5L.
Prime Product of Contact: Email
Why email and not phone number?
Sometimes, there might be change in the phone number of the executive or under DnD.
In this case, you might have the phone number of the Executive but you wont be able to reach them.
We provide you easy reach, by providing authenticated email IDs to increase your email marketing strategies.
Risk with personal mails IDs
Allowing employees to use personal email accounts to conduct business means that the company’s business information will be stored on mail servers outside of control. Â
Therefore, there is no way to know all the places where the company’s data is stored, or where it’s been transmitted.
Consequently, personal email account is not covered by your company’s security policies.
The employee must have agreed to Gmail’s Terms and Conditions (which allow for email content searches), but the company didn’t.
Thus, the company may have a good data privacy policy in place—but personal email accounts can bypass it with one click of the “Send” button.
The use of personal email compromises company secrets and potentially exposes company correspondence to uncontrolled mining and searching.Â
Virtually all personal accounts can be subject to legal (and in some cases questionable) collection and searching by various security agencies.
Variables we provide:
Designations – Admin, CEO/MD, Directors/Presidents, Finance, Human Resource, IT, Marketing, Operations, Purchase.
Data points – First Name, Last Name, Position, Email, Validation date and time, Company Website, Executive LinkedIn URL, Executive Location, Industry, Employee size, etc.
Coverage – We cover 55,000 Companies from 150 Industries for Indian Lead Generation.
Service support – We offer you free replacement of any invalid email found during any of your campaigns/testing for the period of 3 months.
Sources – LinkedIn, Company Websites and Search Engines.
You can Check the Sample of B2B India Database by Clicking here.
What is a LEAD?
For a marketer, lead is someone they can trail.
You have captured their contact information – like a phone number, email or a social media account.
In simple words, a lead is an individual or organization with an interest in what you are selling.
Hence, if someone making an inquiry matches your ideal customer persona, it qualifies as an ideal sales lead.
These leads become even more important, when they take a further action after their initial inquiry.
For instance, if they specifically ask for a demo of your product, or take a free trial, they are sales-ready.