OpenShift – Basic Concept

OpenShift - Basic Concept

OpenShift Basic Concept before beginning with the actual setup and deployment of applications, we need to understand some basic terms and concepts used in OpenShift V3.

Containers and Images Of OpenShift Basic Concept


These are the basic building blocks of OpenShift, which are formed out of Docker images. In each pod on OpenShift, the cluster has its own images running inside it. When we configure a pod, we have a field that will get pooled from the registry. This configuration file will pull the image and deploy it on the cluster node.

apiVersion: v1
kind: pod
   name: Tesing_for_Image_pull -----------> Name of Pod
- name: neo4j-server ------------------------> Name of the image
image: <Name of the Docker image>----------> Image to be pulled
imagePullPolicy: Always ------------->Image pull policy
command: [“echo”, “SUCCESS”] -------------------> Massage after image pull

In order to pull and create an image out of it, run the following command. OC is the client to communicate with the OpenShift environment after login.

$ oc create –f Tesing_for_Image_pull


This gets created when the Docker image gets deployed on the OpenShift cluster. While defining any configuration, we define the container section in the configuration file. One container can have multiple images running inside and all the containers running on cluster nodes are managed by OpenShift Kubernetes.

   - name: py ------------------------> Name of the container
   image: python----------> Image going to get deployed on container
   command: [“python”, “SUCCESS”]
   restartPocliy: Never --------> Restart policy of container

Following are the specifications for defining a container having multiple images running inside it.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
   name: Tomcat
   - name: Tomcat
   image: tomcat: 8.0
   - containerPort: 7500
      imagePullPolicy: Always
      -name: Database
      Image: mongoDB
      - containerPort: 7501
imagePullPolicy: Always

In the above configuration, we have defined a multi-container pod with two images of Tomcat and MongoDB inside it.

Pods and Services


The pod can be defined as a collection of containers and their storage inside a node of the OpenShift (Kubernetes) cluster. In general, we have two types of pod starting from a single container pod to a multi-container pod.

Single Container Pod − These can be easily created with OC command or by a basic configuration YAML file.

$ oc run <name of pod> --image = <name of the image from registry>

Create it with a simple YAML file as follows.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
   name: apache
   - name: apache
   image: apache: 8.0
      - containerPort: 7500
imagePullPolicy: Always

Once the above file is created, it will generate a pod with the following command.

$ oc create –f apache.yml

Multi-Container Pod − multi-container pods are those in which we have more than one container running inside it. They are created using YAML files as follows.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
   name: Tomcat
   - name: Tomcat
   image: tomcat: 8.0
      - containerPort: 7500
imagePullPolicy: Always
   -name: Database
   Image: mongoDB
      - containerPort: 7501
imagePullPolicy: Always

After creating these files, we can simply use the same method as above to create a container.

Service − As we have a set of containers running inside a pod, in the same way, we have a service that can be defined as a logical set of pods. It’s an abstracted layer on top of the pod, which provides a single IP and DNS name through which pods can be accessed. Service helps in managing the load balancing configuration and scaling the pod very easily. In OpenShift, a service is a REST object whose deification can be posted to API service on OpenShift master to create a new instance.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
   name: Tutorial_point_service
      - port: 8080
         targetPort: 31999

Builds and Streams


In OpenShift, build is a process of transforming images into containers. It is the processing that converts the source code to an image. This build process works on a pre-defined strategy of building source code to image.

The build processes multiple strategies and sources.

Build Strategies

  • Source to Image − This is basically a tool, which helps in building reproducible images. These images are always in a ready stage to run using the Docker run command.
  • Docker Build − This is the process in which the images are built using Docker file by running simple Docker build command.
  • Custom Build − These are the builds which are used for creating base Docker images.

Build Sources

Git − This source is used when the git repository is used for building images. The Dockerfile is optional. The configurations from the source code look like the following.

type: "Git"
   uri: ""
   ref: "master"
contextDir: "app/dir"
dockerfile: "FROM openshift/ruby-22-centos7\nUSER example"

Dockerfile − The Dockerfile is used as an input in the configuration file.

   type: "Dockerfile"
   dockerfile: "FROM ubuntu: latest
   RUN yum install -y httpd"

Image Streams − Image streams are created after pulling the images. The advantage of an image stream is that it looks for updates on the new version of an image. This is used to compare any number of Docker formatted container images identified by tags.

Image streams can automatically perform an action when a new image is created. All the builds and deployments can watch for image action and perform an action accordingly. Following is how we define a build a stream.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ImageStream
   annotations: OpenShiftNewApp
   generation: 1
      app: ruby-sample-build
   selflink: /oapi/v1/namespaces/test/imagestreams/origin-ruby-sample
   uid: ee2b9405-c68c-11e5-8a99-525400f25e34
spec: {}
   - items:
      - created: 2016-01-29T13:40:11Z
      generation: 1
   tag: latest

Routes and Templates


In OpenShift, routing is a method of exposing the service to the external world by creating and configuring externally reachable hostname. Routes and endpoints are used to expose the service to the external world, from where the user can use the name connectivity (DNS) to access the defined applications.

In OpenShift, routes are created by using routers which are deployed by OpenShift admin on the cluster. Routers are used to bind HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports to external applications.

Following are the different kinds of the protocol supported by routes −

  • HTTP
  • TSL and web socket

When configuring the service, selectors are used to configuring the service and find the endpoint using that service. Following is an example of how we create a service and the routing for that service by using an appropriate protocol.

   "kind": "Service",
   "apiVersion": "v1",
   "metadata": {"name": "Openshift-Rservice"},
   "spec": {
      "selector": {"name":"RService-openshift"},
      "ports": [
            "protocol": "TCP",
            "port": 8888,
            "targetPort": 8080

Next, run the following command and the service is created.

$ oc create -f ~/training/content/Openshift-Rservice.json

This is how the service looks like after creation.

$ oc describe service Openshift-Rservice

Name:              Openshift-Rservice
Labels:            <none>
Selector:          name = RService-openshift
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              <unnamed> 8080/TCP
Endpoints:         <none>
Session Affinity:  None
No events.

Create a routing for service using the following code.

   "kind": "Route",
   "apiVersion": "v1",
   "metadata": {"name": "Openshift-service-route"},
   "spec": {
      "host": "",
      "to": {
         "kind": "Service",
         "name": "OpenShift-route-service"
      "tls": {"termination": "edge"}

When OC command is used to create a route, a new instance of route resource is created.


Templates are defined as a standard object in OpenShift which can be used multiple times. It is parameterized with a list of placeholders that are used to create multiple objects. This can be used to create anything, starting from a pod to networking, for which users have the authorization to create. A list of objects can be created, if the template from CLI or GUI interface in the image is uploaded to the project directory.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Template
   name: <Name of template>
      description: <Description of Tag>
      iconClass: "icon-redis"
      tags: <Tages of image>
   - apiVersion: v1
   kind: Pod
      name: <Object Specification>
      image: <Image Name>
      name: master
      - containerPort: <Container port number>
         protocol: <Protocol>
   redis: <Communication Type>

Authentication and Authorization


In OpenShift, while configuring master and client structure, the master comes up with an inbuilt feature of the OAuth server. OAuth server is used for generating tokens, which is used for authentication to the API. Since OAuth comes as a default setup for master, we have the Allow All identity provider used by default. Different identity providers are present which can be configured at /etc/openshift/master/master-config.yaml.

There are different types of identity providers present in OAuth.

  • Allow All
  • Deny All
  • HTPasswd
  • LDAP
  • Basic Authentication
Allow All
apiVersion: v1
   kind: Pod
      name: redis-master
         image: dockerfile/redis
         name: master
      - containerPort: 6379
         protocol: TCP
      - name: my_allow_provider
         challenge: true
         login: true
         apiVersion: v1
         kind: AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider

Deny All

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
   name: redis-master
      image: dockerfile/redis
   name: master
   - containerPort: 6379
      protocol: TCP
   - name: my_allow_provider
      challenge: true
      login: true
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider


In order to use HTPasswd, we need to first set up Httpd-tools on the master machine and then configure it in the same way as we did for others.

   - name: my_htpasswd_provider
      challenge: true
      login: true
         apiVersion: v1
         kind: HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider


Authorization is a feature of OpenShift master, which is used to validate for validating a user. This means that it checks the user who is trying to perform an action to see if the user is authorized to perform that action on a given project. This helps the administrator to control access on the projects.

Authorization policies are controlled using −

  • Rules
  • Roles
  • Bindings

Evaluation of authorization is done using −

  • Identity
  • Action
  • Bindings

Using Policies −

  • Cluster policy
  • Local policy

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