Scikit Learn – Bayesian Ridge Regression

Scikit-Learn : bayesian ridge Regression

Bayesian ridge regression allows a natural mechanism to survive insufficient data or poorly distributed data by formulating linear regression using probability distributors rather than point estimates. The output or response ‘y’ is assumed to drawn from a probability distribution rather than estimated as a single value.

Mathematically, to obtain a fully probabilistic model the response y is assumed to be Gaussian distributed around XwXw𝑋as followsp(y⏐X,w,α)=N(y⏐Xw,α)p(y⏐X,w,α)=N(y⏐Xw,α)

One of the most useful type of Bayesian regression is Bayesian Ridge regression which estimates a probabilistic model of the regression problem. Here the prior for the coefficient w is given by spherical Gaussian as follows −p(w⏐λ)=N(w⏐0,λ−1Ip)p(w⏐λ)=N(w⏐0,λ−1Ip)

This resulting model is called Bayesian Ridge Regression and in scikit-learn sklearn.linear_model.BeyesianRidge module is used for Bayesian Ridge Regression.


Followings table consist the parameters used by BayesianRidge module −

Sr.NoParameter & Description
1n_iter − int, optionalIt represents the maximum number of iterations. The default value is 300 but the user-defined value must be greater than or equal to 1.
2fit_intercept − Boolean, optional, default TrueIt decides whether to calculate the intercept for this model or not. No intercept will be used in calculation, if it will set to false.
3tol − float, optional, default=1.e-3It represents the precision of the solution and will stop the algorithm if w has converged.
4alpha_1 − float, optional, default=1.e-6It is the 1st hyperparameter which is a shape parameter for the Gamma distribution prior over the alpha parameter.
5alpha_2 − float, optional, default=1.e-6It is the 2nd hyperparameter which is an inverse scale parameter for the Gamma distribution prior over the alpha parameter.
6lambda_1 − float, optional, default=1.e-6It is the 1st hyperparameter which is a shape parameter for the Gamma distribution prior over the lambda parameter.
7lambda_2 − float, optional, default=1.e-6It is the 2nd hyperparameter which is an inverse scale parameter for the Gamma distribution prior over the lambda parameter.
8copy_X − Boolean, optional, default = TrueBy default, it is true which means X will be copied. But if it is set to false, X may be overwritten.
9compute_score − boolean, optional, default=FalseIf set to true, it computes the log marginal likelihood at each iteration of the optimization.
10verbose − Boolean, optional, default=FalseBy default, it is false but if set true, verbose mode will be enabled while fitting the model.


Followings table consist the attributes used by BayesianRidge module −

Sr.NoAttributes & Description
1coef_ − array, shape = n_featuresThis attribute provides the weight vectors.
2intercept_ − floatIt represents the independent term in decision function.
3alpha_ − floatThis attribute provides the estimated precision of the noise.
4lambda_ − floatThis attribute provides the estimated precision of the weight.
5n_iter_ − intIt provides the actual number of iterations taken by the algorithm to reach the stopping criterion.
6sigma_ − array, shape = (n_features, n_features)It provides the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the weights.
7scores_ − array, shape = (n_iter_+1)It provides the value of the log marginal likelihood at each iteration of the optimisation. In the resulting score, the array starts with the value of the log marginal likelihood obtained for the initial values of aandλaandλ𝜆, and ends with the value obtained for estimated aandλaandλ.

Implementation Example

Following Python script provides a simple example of fitting Bayesian Ridge Regression model using sklearn BayesianRidge module.

from sklearn import linear_model
X = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]
Y = [0, 1, 2, 3]
BayReg = linear_model.BayesianRidge(), Y)


BayesianRidge(alpha_1 = 1e-06, alpha_2 = 1e-06, compute_score = False, copy_X = True,
   fit_intercept = True, lambda_1 = 1e-06, lambda_2 = 1e-06, n_iter = 300,
   normalize = False, tol=0.001, verbose = False)

From the above output, we can check model’s parameters used in the calculation.


Now, once fitted, the model can predict new values as follows −





Similarly, we can access the coefficient w of the model as follows −



array([0.49999993, 0.49999993])

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