Bokeh – Wedges and Arcs

Bokeh - Wedges and Arcs

In this chapter, we will discuss Bokeh – Wedges and Arcs. The arc() method draws a simple line arc based on x and y coordinates, start and end angles, and radius. Angles are given in radians whereas radius may be in screen units or data units. The wedge is a filled arc.

The wedge() method has the same properties as the arc() method. Both methods have the provision of optional direction property which may be clock or anti-clock that determines the direction of arc/wedge rendering. The annular_wedge() function renders a filled area between arcs of inner and outer radius.

NumFocus sponsored by Bokeh project

Example Of Bokeh wedges and arcs

Here is an example of arc and wedge glyphs added to Bokeh figure −

from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
import math
fig = figure(plot_width = 300, plot_height = 300)
fig.arc(x = 3, y = 3, radius = 50, radius_units = 'screen', start_angle = 0.0, end_angle = math.pi/2)
fig.wedge(x = 3, y = 3, radius = 30, radius_units = 'screen',
start_angle = 0, end_angle = math.pi, direction = 'clock')
fig.annular_wedge(x = 3,y = 3, inner_radius = 100, outer_radius = 75,outer_radius_units = 'screen',
inner_radius_units = 'screen',start_angle = 0.4, end_angle = 4.5,color = "green", alpha = 0.6)


Bokeh - Wedges and Arcs

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