H2 Database – Installation

H2 is a database written in Java. We can easily embed this database into our application by using JDBC. We can run this on many different platforms or any version of Java Runtime Environment. However, before installing the database, there should be Java installed in the system.

Verify Java Installation

If JDK is installed in the system, try the following command to verify the Java version.

java –version

If JDK is successfully installed in the system, then we will get the following output.

java version "1.8.0_91" 
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14) 
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)

Install H2 Database

We can run this database on many different platforms. In this chapter, we will learn about H2 Database installation on Windows.

Following are the steps to install the H2 Database on Windows operating system.

Step 1: Download H2 Setup File

Download the latest version of the H2 Database from the given link. In this link, you will get the latest version of the H2 database in two types. One is Windows Installer type (that is .exe file) and the second is Platform-Independent zip file for other operating systems.

Click the Windows installer for downloading the Windows supportable H2 database after downloading the .exe file. In this case, we are using the H2 Database with version 1.4.192.

Step 2: Install H2 Database

After downloading we get the H2 Windows installer file (i.e. h2-setup-yyyy-mm-dd.exe) in the Downloads directory. To start the installation process of the H2 Database, double-click on the installer file.

The following screen is the first step in the installation process. Provide a path where we want to install the H2 database server as shown in the following screenshot.

As seen in the above screenshot, by default it will take C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\H2 as the destination folder. Click next to proceed to the next step. The following screen pops up.

In the above screenshot, click the Install button to start the installation process. After installation, we get the following screenshot.

Click Finish to complete the installation process.

Step 3: Verify H2 Database Installation

After installation, let us verify the database installation in the system. Click Windows → type H2 Console → Click H2 console icon. Connect to the URL http://localhost:8082. At the time of connecting, the H2 database will ask for database registration as shown in the following screenshot.

Fill in all the details in the above dialog box such as Saved Settings, Settings Name, Driver Class, JDBC URL, User Name, and Password. In the JDBC URL, specify the database is located and the database name. User Name and Password are the fields for the user name and password of the database. Click Connect.

The Database welcome page pops up as shown in the following screenshot.

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