PostgreSQL functions, also known as Stored Procedures, allow you to carry out operations that would normally take several queries and round trips in a single function within the database. Functions allow database reuse as other applications can interact directly with your stored procedures instead of a middle-tier or duplicating code.
Functions can be created in a language of your choice like SQL, PL/pgSQL, C, Python, etc.
The basic syntax to create a function is as follows −
CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name (arguments) RETURNS return_datatype AS $variable_name$ DECLARE declaration; [...] BEGIN < function_body > [...] RETURN { variable_name | value } END; LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- function-name specifies the name of the function.
- [OR REPLACE] option allows modifying an existing function.
- The function must contain a return statement.
- RETURN clause specifies that data type you are going to return from the function. The return_datatype can be a base, composite, or domain type, or can reference the type of a table column.
- function-body contains the executable part.
- The AS keyword is used for creating a standalone function.
- plpgsql is the name of the language that the function is implemented in. Here, we use this option for PostgreSQL, it Can be SQL, C, internal, or the name of a user-defined procedural language. For backward compatibility, the name can be enclosed by single quotes.
The following example illustrates creating and calling a standalone function. This function returns the total number of records in the COMPANY table. We will use the COMPANY table, which has the following records −
testdb# select * from COMPANY; id | name | age | address | salary ----+-------+-----+-----------+-------- 1 | Paul | 32 | California| 20000 2 | Allen | 25 | Texas | 15000 3 | Teddy | 23 | Norway | 20000 4 | Mark | 25 | Rich-Mond | 65000 5 | David | 27 | Texas | 85000 6 | Kim | 22 | South-Hall| 45000 7 | James | 24 | Houston | 10000 (7 rows)
Function totalRecords() is as follows −
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION totalRecords () RETURNS integer AS $total$ declare total integer; BEGIN SELECT count(*) into total FROM COMPANY; RETURN total; END; $total$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
When the above query is executed, the result would be −
Now, let us execute a call to this function and check the records in the COMPANY table
testdb=# select totalRecords();
When the above query is executed, the result would be −
totalrecords -------------- 7 (1 row)